Soul Reflexions AB
Alternative Health Therapies
Welcome to Soul Reflexions, where the journey for a healthier, balanced, happier you begins!
Are you tired of feeling rundown all the time? Sick and tired of being sick and tired? Are you fed up with all your blood work coming back normal and yet you know something isn't feeling right?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, you are in the right place! Many patients have exhausted themselves with having test after test, and still being told everything appears to be normal. Many have admitted they've just decided to live with feeling unwell because they were told it's just they way they are, it's their age, etc. It's time to stop normalizing pain and exhaustion; let's get you back to feeling like you again!
Here at Soul Reflexions, your overall health and wellness is our top priority and you will receive nothing but the utmost care.
Utilizing both cutting edge technology and ancient wisdom to treat the body as a whole, rather than just an illness to be defeated; we offer Meridian Scan Analysis (also known as bio-energetic testing , Manual Lymphatic Drainage, and Reflexology. We also offer nutritional supplements, herbs, homeopathic remedies, skin care, detox kits and more.​​

The Meridian Scan Analysis can test for more than 65,000 imbalances in your body. Optimize your health by analyzing your body's energetic field through in-person appointments or sample analysis. Let's get down to the ROOT cause of what's going on!
-Digestive Issues
-Endocrine Disorders & Hormonal Imbalances
-Allergy Sensitivities (food & environmental)
-Immune Disorders
-Inherited Predispositions
-Skin Issues
-Joints & Muscle Ailments
-Chemical Toxicity
-Sleep Disorders and so much more! ​
**please note that we do not diagnose and instead focus on the totality of your symptoms with the support of MSA/Bio-Energetic testing to help restore your overall health and wellness. Bio-energetic testing can and should only be used to address energetic imbalances in an individuals energetic field and is to never take place of your medical practitioner. **
What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?
MLD is a very light pressure therapy used to stimulate the lymphatic system. The amount of lymph fluid being circulated back to the heart in a 24 hour span goes from about 1.5-2L pre-treatment to 10-20L post treatment which can last up to 72 hours!
MLD helps to:
-increase our immune system by 20%-30%
-reduce all types of swelling
-pre and post surgical therapy to reduce swelling and speed up the healing process. Great for C-section, Mastectomies, aesthetic surgeries, Etc.

Reflexology is a relaxing, non-invasive, therapeutic modality that is done by gently stimulating the reflexes located on the feet. There are over 7,000 nerve endings called reflexes that correspond to the various organs, glands, and systems of the body. Through the application of pressure on the reflexes, reflexology can:
-relieve full body tension
-restores balance to the body
-increase circulation
-encourage detox
-decrease anxiety and stress
-decrease pain​
-promote deeper sleeps
-support in digestive and hormonal issues
- reduce colic in babies

Meet Kelly Kaminski
Natural Health Practitioner & Founder of Soul Reflexions AB
Est. 2018
As a recognized member with the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada, Kelly started her journey as a Certified Foot Reflexologist back in 2010.
A certified Technician in Bio-Energetic testing; Kelly also specializes in Foot & Hand Reflexology, Auricular Therapy and Lymphatic Massage.
Enrolled since 2022, Kelly is currently working towards her diploma in Homeopathic Medicine & Health Sciences with the Canadian College of Homeopathic Medicine.
A Rough Start In Life.
For as long as I can remember back I always had stomach pains, upset stomach and eating started to becoming more of a chore than enjoyable. It was shortly after I had my appendix out on Christmas Eve 1996 that everything came crashing down with my health. In 1997, at the young age of 12, I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis.
At that time, not much was known about this "disease" and being in a small town, you sure didn't have the same kind of care and treatment plan like you would now. Over the years I was subjected to non-stop procedures and was in consistent, excruciating pain. I had been treated and/or seen by five specialists and my home Doctor. They put me on every possible medication they could think of and nothing ever seemed to work. As the years went by, my health drastically deteriorated, but that didn't stop me from wanting to help others as I was accepted into a Registered Nursing Program in 2004. Unfortunately, that same year was the year my health hit rock bottom.
By the age of 21, I was 79 lbs, had received two blood transfusions, bi-weekly iron injections, went from steroids to 36 pills a day to passing out at the hospital for endless hours with blood pressure so low, it would barely register. I remember seeing the doctor with the tears in his eyes, telling my mom that there was nothing more they could do for me unless they removed my entire large intestine. My Mom and Dad wanted to try one last option and told me about this Natural Path Dr. who had helped others like myself. My first initial reaction was "No way! I'm not going to go see some quack doctor!" My parents pleaded for me to go see him. I finally agreed to go; but not for me, it was for them, because I could see the pain in their eyes every time I said no. To be honest, at that time I was okay with giving up, to not go any further in life. I had spent the majority of it fighting day after day, and I was tired and did not want to keep doing this anymore. This was the first time I was introduced to a Meridian Scan."
The Biggest Skeptic You Would Have Ever Met.
I will never forget the day when the "Doctor" walked in with a stack of papers telling me how sick I was based on what they had found with the Vega Test. Rolling my eyes at him, I said thanks Dr. anyone can see I am sick! I am 79lbs and glow in the dark I am so pale! My Mom sitting next to me gave the look to remind me why we were there. Dr. Yawrenko told me, you don't have to believe in what I do, but just try it. I promise, I will have you better before know it. And so it began, a journey not chosen by me but by some divine intervention. Little did I know what the universe had in store for me. Looking back now I can see how young, dumb and naive I was to think that there was no other option for me and allopathic treatment was the only way.
Within a year of having the meridian scan (Vega test)on a regular basis and having additional treatments with the late Dr. David Yawrenko, I started experiencing life like never before. Instead of going to the washroom 40-60 times a day, it decreased to 10-20 times. My bleeding completely stopped, I was able to keep food down, started gaining weight and even had color to my face! The best was when I was able to walk upright again! For many years, I was hunched over as the pain was so intense, I couldn't stand up straight. But at first I made my excuses that it was the beautiful weather that made me feel better, or the birds chirping is what helped. It was because I had a good sleep, that must be why I am getting better! I think a part of me was scared to admit the stuff that tasted like tree sap was helping as nothing had improved my health like this ever and I was worried it would stop and I would go back to my daily suffering.
A Moment of Truth.
I remember trying to get something done around the house and realized I forgot something downstairs; so I went down quickly and back up just as fast. When I got to the top of the stairs my Mom had this look on her face; so of course I ask why she was looking at me that way?
She said "You just ran up those stairs." And of course I say yes, soooo.... She said again "No, you just RAN up those stairs!!" In which I said yes, waiting to see what she was getting at.
It was then how she reminded me the last time I tried to go up the stairs, I had collapsed; that's when my parents moved my bedroom upstairs, because I couldn't physically walk them on my own anymore. I went from that, to running up the stairs?! I am sure you can imagine the tears that started to flow as I realized I really was getting better and this overwhelming excitement ran through my body like never before! "It's working, it's actually working!"
Within a few short years, Dr. Yawrenko managed to get me into complete remission and I have not been on medication since then.
A Thanks In Return & Doing What I Do Now, All Thanks to the Late Dr. Yawrenko.
I went from being the biggest skeptic of Alternative Medicines, to dedicating my life to helping others who are struggling with their health. I decided to officially open my business in Spring of 2018 and within a few months I had received a call from that very same clinic asking if I would like to work there! It was a dream come true and I had the honor of being a team member, working with the late Dr. Yawrenko at the New Life Clinic. The very doctor who saved my life over 15 years ago and opened my eyes to a whole new world of healing. As I journey on, I could not be more honored or excited to offer a more advanced Meridian Scan Analysis to my patients, while offering additional therapeutic treatments. For those who can relate to what I went though, that are just like how I once was; struggling with their health, tired of living everyday in pain, tired of not being heard and feeling like you have ran out of options, we are here for you! We see you, we hear you and we look forward to helping you feel like you again!